Tiny Steps Phonics sessions are for children who are just starting to develop their communication skills. They may be able to say individual words but are not yet using whole sentences.

During each Tiny Steps Phonics class your child will participate in a range of fun and interactive activities that encourage them to:

  • Listen to, and identify, different sounds
  • Expand their vocabulary, focussing on words containing the sound of the week
  • Engage with a variety of stories
  • Develop other essential key skills including gross and fine motor skills and numeracy
  • Participate in songs, using actions and rhyme

Do you want to help your child to develop their communication skills?

The first steps in learning to communicate involve listening to, and recognising, different sounds. Your child can then begin to repeat sounds and gradually, their vocabulary will develop. Tiny Steps Phonics classes involve a series of engaging, interactive activities centred around developing your child’s communication skills, gradually introducing sounds and skills from the Early Years Curriculum.

Would you like to learn skills that help you support your child’s learning?

We believe that supporting parents is as important as engaging children. Through introducing parents to strategies that they can use at home with their child, we hope that we can support parents in supporting their child’s learning.

If you and your child would like to attend a taster session, please click here to book.