Learning Through Bubbles….

Administrator/ December 8, 2019/ Uncategorized

Fine motor skills are really important. We use them every day; every time that we write, fasten a button or tie our shoelaces. Children begin developing their fine motor skills early in life. They gradually learn to coordinate the small muscles in their hands and fingers, allowing them to develop key skills that they will rely on throughout their life.

There are lots of ways that you can support your child in developing their fine motor skills. Many of these involve play and can be as simple as blowing bubbles.

Whether you fill the room with bubbles using a machine or simply use the old fashioned method of a wand in a tub of washing-up liquid, as the bubbles float around the room, encourage your child to pop them in the following ways:

  • poke the bubble with their fingers
  • splat the bubble between their hands
  • pinch the bubble between their finger and thumb
  • grab the bubble with their hand
  • flick the bubble with their fingers
  • catch the bubble on their hand, finger or nose

As they carry out each of these activities, your child will learn to better coordinate the muscles in their hands and fingers. They will also develop their hand-eye coordination.

You could even put some music on and dance as you play. Just make sure that you and your child have fun together!

At First Steps Phonics, all of our sessions include activities that have been designed to help your child to develop both their gross and fine motor skills. If you would like to join us, book a taster session at www.firststepsphonics.co.uk.

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